What is the Truth?
This was the burning question that led Nikki Kingsley on her journey
from Islam to Christianity.
Nikki’s remarkable story began in Pakistan where she was born in a
Muslim family. She arrived in America at the age of thirty with her two
young children, seeking freedom from an arranged marriage, and
discovered the promise found in the dream called America.
Nikki’s life went through a dramatic turn when she had an
extraordinary series of mystical experiences. These events prompted
her to question and reconsider the Muslim faith that she had practiced
for 40 years.
Ultimately, this led Nikki to The Truth in the person of Jesus Christ.
A compelling speaker, Nikki now shares her life-changing story of faith
and hope––a story of a journey from the culture, faith, and traditions of
the East to the freedom of the West. She has been a guest
on many Catholic shows including The Journey Home on EWTN, Ave
Maria Radio, The Catholic Channel on Sirius XM, and a speaker at
many Catholic conferences and retreats.
Nikki Kingsley’s dynamic account of her faith journey from darkness
into Light is detailed in her book, Thirst for Truth: From Mohammad to
Jesus, and can be purchased on her website at nikkikingsley.com.