Monday, January 30 9:00 AM: Morning Mass & Mission Talk
6:30 PM: Mission Talk & Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tuesday, January 31 - Wednesday, February 1 9:00 AM: Morning Mass & Mission Talk
6:30 PM: Mass & Mission Talk
Thursday, February 2 9:00 AM: Morning Mass & Mission Talk
6:30 PM: Mass, Mission Talk, & Eucharistic Healing Service
Themes Monday – Reconciliation [Confessions will be heard]
Tuesday– The Priesthood & The Eucharist
Wednesday – The Lord, The Giver of Life
Thursday – Healing (Healing Mass 6:30pm)
Sr. Briege McKenna, O.S.C. was born in Ireland and entered the Sisters of St. Clare at the age of fifteen. Following her final vows and after suffering for more than three years with rheumatoid arthritis, she was transferred to her community in Tampa, Florida with the hope that the Florida sunshine would relieve her suffering. At the age of twenty-four, she was miraculously and instantaneously healed during the celebration of the Eucharist and some time later received, in prayer, the gift of healing for which she has become so widely known. Her book,
"Miracles Do Happen" has been translated into many languages through out the world.
Shortly after her own healing, the Lord led Sr. Briege into a ministry of healing. In prayer he told her, "You have my gift of healing. Go now and use it." It was because of this Sr. Briege began to pray with people whom the Lord in his love and mercy healed of many different kinds of sicknesses. Sr. Briege insists "I am not the one who heals. It is Jesus alone who heals us." She often refers to the Gospel encounter between the blind Bartimaeus and Jesus. The question Jesus asked Bartimaeus is the same question he asks all of us. "What do you want me to do for you?" With faith we should answer "Lord, I want to be healed."
Since 1985, Sister Briege has been ministering in collaboration with
Father Kevin Scallon, C.M. She is the 1988 recipient of the Poverello Award from the Franciscan University, and the 2009 recipient of the Award for Outstanding Catholic Leadership from the Catholic Leadership Institute.