Our culture is teaching our children about human dignity and self-
worth, and often messages from movies, Netflix, or top 40 radio
are not what we want to convey. The truth about who we are, how we are made, and what we are destined for is so much more beautiful!
All 8th grade students and at least one parent are invited to join us for
"Pure and Simple," an archdiocesan event presented by the Office of Religious Education and the Order of Lumen Gentium which proclaims these truths, on September 27 beginning with Mass at Christ the King at 5:30 PM. The evening begins with a large group presentation by Pat Arensberg, followed by guys, girls, and parent breakout sessions.
This is an extra-credit opportunity for CTKCS 8th graders, but more importantly, this will prompt relevant discussions for all students as they prepare for high school, more freedom, and new influences.
8th grade students from any school are welcome to attend; all must come with at least one parent.
For more information, please contact Sarah Collins at
[email protected].